FM 2770/China Street/Main Street Pedestrian Connections
project timeline
This project will incorporate pedestrian improvements such as connecting the existing sidewalk from Buda Mill & Grain Co. to China Street to provide a pedestrian connection across FM 2770. Additional improvements include reconstruction of pavement at intersections to meet ADA requirements.
Current Status:
The City of Buda has defined the scope of the project by incorporating the intent of the bond project as well as the elemental design approved in the Downtown Master Plan.
This project involves TxDOT right of way and requires a funding and engineering agreement before seeking bids unless, upon agreement, TxDOT relinquishes control of these roadways to the City of Buda.
The overall project concept was endorsed and approved by the Buda Bond Oversight Committee and City Council in early 2024.
The City has selected Halff Associates, Inc., a professional design consultant, for this project. Preliminary design began in May 2024. Preliminary design was presented to the Buda Bonds Oversight Committee on June 10, 2024, and City Council on June 18, 2024.
A public open house was held on August 8, 2024 and a virtual open was released on July 29 and was open through August 14, 2024 to inform the public of the proposed project and receive input and feedback.
Buda Bonds Oversight Committee reviewed the public engagement input on August 19, 2024.
Final design will begin after City Council reviews the public engagement input, which is expected to occur in February 2025.
Bond Amount: $1,170,000