project status



Garison Park is located just north of downtown Buda along Onion Creek. Phase I of the Garison Park improvements as identified in the City’s Capital Improvements Plan include:

  • Park and land restoration

  • Addition of parking lots

  • Construction of new amenities such as parking lots, pavilions and restrooms

  • Addition of walking trails and public access to Onion Creek

View the Garison Park Comprehensive Plan to learn more.

Contracted Firm: Ten Eyck Landscape Architects

Current Status:

  • The City of Buda acquired ~4.5 acres to add to Garison Park’s 40-acre property. The acquired property, located at 901 Garison Road, will provide continuous access along Onion Creek to Garison Road and, eventually, all the way to Stagecoach Park.

  • Ten Eyck finalized the preliminary/schematic design in December 2023. The consultant began the 60% design in March 2024 and completed the design development plans in July 2024.  The Buda Bond Oversight Committee reviewed the design at a joint meeting with the Parks Commission on July 15, 2024. Council reviewed the updated design with the Parks Commission on August 6, 2024. Final plans for construction began in the Fall 2024, and the design will be completed in February 2025.

  • The Buda Bond Oversight Committee reviewed the updated design at a joint meeting with the Parks Commission on January 15, 2025. It is anticipated Council will receive another update for consideration in February 2025, as the team finalizes the permitting and proceeding into the bidding process.

  • The City submitted an application for a Texas Parks and Wildlife Local Parks Grant on August 1, 2024. Outcome of the grant will be considered at an upcoming Council meeting.

  • Pending permitting approvals from various agencies, construction of the park may begin as early as Fall 2025.

See previous updates ››


Bond Amount: $6,000,000

Hays County has contributed $6M in funding for this project through the 2020 Parks & Open Space Bond.