Project Status
The reconstruction and improvements of Old Black Colony Road from FM 1626 to Cole Springs Road include:
Widening the existing 2-lane roadway
Adding sidewalks and cycling accommodations
Improving drainage along the roadway
Reconstruction of Old Black Colony Road will accommodate bike, pedestrian, and vehicle mobility while minimizing impacts to natural community environment and preserving the rich history and local landmarks in the area including Antioch Cemetery and Antioch Colony Park – home of the historical marker that once served as a schoolhouse and community church. During the preliminary and final design phases, the City of Buda will coordinate and engage with potentially impacted residents, businesses, and property owners to participate in the planning process. The City will also work alongside the project team working on the development and road realignment planned east of Cole Springs Road.
Contracted Firm: K Friese + Associates
Current Status:
The City engaged property owners along Old Black Colony to ensure they are aware and informed of the project and its associated requirements. The goal was to meet with property owners, gain insight and input, and make the public aware of the project. A public meeting and virtual open house were held on Sept. 27, 2023. Stakeholder input has and will shape and guide the project as the project moves into final design and construction.
City Council reviewed the Old Black Colony Road 30% preliminary design on Nov. 8, 2023 and provided K Friese + Associates with direction and feedback on the design.
K Friese + Associates finalized the 30% preliminary design in February 2024. City Council reviewed the revised preliminary design on Feb. 20, 2024 and approved of the proposed design. Final design began in Summer 2024. Design will last approximately 12 months.
Old Black Colony and FM 1626 Intersection Traffic Light: This requirement will lead the initial construction work on Old Black Colony, pending a design and construction agreement with TxDOT. K Friese + Associates is in the final TxDOT permitting phase of the proposed signal. The signal project is in final TxDOT review and will be released for bidding as early as April 2025 with construction beginning in Summer 2025. Construction of the signal is expected to take 10 months due to materials delivery timeframes.
View Preliminary Design presented to City Council (Subject to change)
Bond Amount: $24,000,000