RM967 Deceleration Lanes
Project Status
Based on traffic data and engineering, two RM967 intersections warranted Eastbound deceleration lanes:
Garlic Creek Drive/Remuda Trail
Garlic Creek Drive/Grove Lane
Deceleration lanes provide the opportunity to slow down to allow for safe merging speeds and to help alleviate traffic congestion. During the preliminary and final design phases, the City of Buda will coordinate and engage with potentially impacted residents, businesses, and property owners to participate in the planning process.
Contracted Firm: WSB
Current Status:
Analysis of traffic, turning movements, and future growth is complete. WSB presented the proposed deceleration lanes to the Buda Bonds Oversight Committee on Nov. 20, 2023, and Jan. 22, 2024. Eastbound right-turn deceleration lanes are recommended at both intersections with Garlic Creek Drive: Garlic Creek Drive/Remuda Trail and Garlic Creek Drive/Grove Lane. A public and neighborhood meeting was held on Dec. 4, 2023, at the Garlic Creek Amenity Center. View the open house summary here. Stakeholder input has and will shape and guide the project as the project moves into final design.
WSB finalized the 30% preliminary design in January 2024. City Council reviewed the revised preliminary design on Feb. 6, 2024, and approved the proposed design. Final design began in late-March 2024 and is expected to be completed by April 2025. The design is currently at the 100% design level and progressing to final permitting.
This project involves TxDOT right of way and requires a funding and engineering agreement before seeking bids unless, upon agreement, TxDOT relinquishes control of this roadway to the City of Buda. The project also required a permit from TCEQ and relocation of one utility pole.
Bond Amount: $2,570,000