WEST GOFORTH ROAD reconstruction
Project Status
This project will include a full-depth asphalt pavement reconstruction of West Goforth Road from S. Loop 4 to IH-35. Additional improvements include:
Widening the existing 2-lane roadway
Adding sidewalks and cycling accommodations
Improving drainage along the roadway
Reconstructing West Goforth Road will accommodate bike, pedestrian, and vehicle mobility while minimizing impacts to natural community environment. During the preliminary and final design phases, the City of Buda will coordinate and engage with potentially impacted residents, business, and property owners to participate in the planning process.
Contracted Firm: Freese & Nichols
Current Status:
On November 19, 2024, the City Council approved the conceptual design (image above) of the project that optimizes the roadway requirements including drive lanes, landscape buffers, sidewalks on the north and south sides, drainage, tree protection, and the standards outlined in the Buda Unified Development Code, Transportation Mobility Master Plan, and the Trails Master Plan. The Design Team (City Staff and our professional engineering consultants from Freese and Nichols, Inc.) will focus on the easements and right-of-way impacts within the limits of construction to include requirements to accommodate sidewalks and landscaping buffers through January 14th, 2025. The Team is targeting mid-February to complete the drainage modeling and initial design, culvert alignment, and utility relocation requirements in anticipation of presenting the schematic design (SD) to City Council on March 18th, 2025. Pending City Council SD decision, the Design Team intends to begin the final design and easement acquisition processes that will drive the letting of the project presently planned for January 2026. The date of the start of construction is completely reliant on the duration of negotiations for the required 28 easements required to meet the intent of the project scope.
The public feedback was presented to the Buda Bond Oversight Committee and City Council on June 18, 2024. The design team received input and revised the preliminary design to address comments. Three modified preliminary alternatives were presented to Council on August 6, 2024 and Council voted to move forward with alternative 2. 30% design began in October.
City engagement with property owners along W Goforth Road occurred in early May 2024 to ensure impacted property owners are aware and informed of the project and its associated requirements regarding easements, right-of-way, drainage, utilities, and property impacts. A virtual open house was released on May 16 and was open through June 13, 2024 to inform the public of the proposed project and receive input and feedback. An in-person public meeting was held on Jun. 11, 2024 to give the public additional opportunities to view and provide input on the project. From these meetings, the City and design team gained the insight and input for consideration for planning and design of the W Goforth Road improvements.
Freese and Nichols, Inc. refined the preliminary design of the W Goforth Project in February 2024. The design was presented to City Council on Feb. 20, 2024. The Council’s Mobility Committee reviewed the proposed design on Mar. 21, 2024 to further evaluate the project. The proposed design was presented to Council for further consideration on Apr. 16, 2024.
Bond Amount: $20,900,000