project status
Garlic Creek Park is located South of RM 967 and is over 40 acres in size. Phase II of Garlic Creek Trail would include the extension of a natural pedestrian trail within the park with bridges connecting to the White Oak Preserve neighborhood. Phase I of this project was included in the 2014 Bond election.
Contracted Firm: MWM Design Group
Current Status:
The construction of the trail is underway! The alignment of the trail is being excavated. The crushed granite and binder will be placed in the next few weeks.
The Garlic Creek Trail advertised and opened for bids on October 7, 2024. Buda City Council awarded the bid to Noble General Contractors, LLC for $1,803,700 during the November 6, 2024 regular City Council meeting. Construction began in December 2024 and will be completed around May 2025.
Bond Amount: $445,500
Additional funds include $300,000 from the 2014 Buda Bond and $400K from the Hays County 2020 Parks & Open Space Bond.