Main Street East Extension
Interim Solution schematic
project status
This project will improve the existing Main Street "Gateway Corridor" from IH 35 east to Firecracker Drive. The project includes:
Widening the existing roadway, which is one lane in each direction with a center turn lane, to two lanes in each direction with a median and left turn lanes.
Pedestrian elements: shared use path on both sides of roadway.
Improving drainage along the roadway.
The East Main Street Expansion project has been incorporated into the Buda Bonds Prop A Transportation Projects, following its approval by the Buda City Council on March 7, 2023.
Contracted Firm: WSB
Current Status:
WSB completed the preliminary design of the Main Street East Project between IH-35 and Firecracker Drive. The design team is working with Kimley-Horn (Professional Design Consultant for Sunfield) to coordinate and line-up the proposed improvements to Main Street east of Firecracker Drive. The Buda Bond Oversight Committee reviewed the schematic design on Nov. 20, 2023 and Feb. 26, 2024.
The City met with property owners adjacent to Main Street along the City’s project in mid-January 2024 to view and discuss the proposed design. A public meeting was held on Jan. 31, 2024 at the City of Buda City Hall. A virtual open house was also conducted for the public’s viewing and comment after the in-person public meeting. Stakeholder input has and will shape and guide the project as the project moves through design. City Council reviewed and approved the preliminary design on Mar. 19, 2024. The final design phase began in June 2024. The design is currently at the 60% design level and progressing to 90% complete.
WSB designed an interim solution to the Main Street improvements to alleviate congestion and traffic back-ups at IH-35 at Main Street. City Council reviewed and approved the preliminary design of the interim solution on Nov. 28, 2023 and reviewed the final project on July 16, 2024. The interim solution advertised for bids on October 17, 2024.
City Council awarded the bid for the Interim Solution to Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. during the November 6, 2024 regular City Council meeting in the amount of $585,129.50.
Construction began in December 2024 and is anticipated to end in May 2025.
With Construction underway, a new traffic pattern has been established with the middle lane going eastbound on Main Street now being a left turn lane only. This will be in place for the duration of the project.
Starting Monday (1/27/2025), Jerdon will be closing Pit Stop Trace so they can start excavating the next section for the project. These closures will be daily closures, re-opening the road at the end of each workday.
Bond Amount: $1,019,509
Temporary traffic pattern change during construction duration.